Sacred Heart Catholic College

Term Dates



Term dates 2024/25

Please note that school is closed for Public Holidays on Monday 5th May and Monday 26th May.

Autumn Term  Spring term  Summer term
Inset 1  Monday 2nd September (Closed to pupils) Monday 6thJanuary  (Closed to pupils)
Inset 2  Tuesday 3rd September (Closed to pupils)  TBC 
Inset 3 
Term Commences  Wednesday 4th September Tuesday 7th January

Tuesday 22nd April 

Mid Term Holiday

Monday 28th October to

Friday Nov 1st  (returning Monday 4th Nov) 

Monday 17th to Friday 21st February (returning Monday 24th February) Tuesday 27th May to Friday 30th May  (returning Monday 2nd June)
Term Ends Friday 20th December Friday 4th April  Friday 18th July 

 Additional Inset Days may be added to the calendar as the academic year progresses.

Public Holidays:  January 1st, April 18th, April 21st, May 5th, May 26th, August 25th -  dates in bold are outside of formal school closure periods.