Sacred Heart Catholic College

Contact Us

For all enquiries, please contact our school reception

 Sacred Heart Catholic Academy
 Liverpool Road
 L23 5TF

 Headteacher: Mark O'Hagan

 Telephone: 0151 931 2971
 Fax: 0151 924 8715 


 Phone lines will be answered by our administrative team, lead by       our Office Manager/PA to Headteacher, Mrs J Noon.                     Mrs Noon will respond to initial queries on the schools behalf

 Follow us on socials:
 Twitter: SacredHRT@Crosby 
 Instagram: SacredHRT@Crosby

 If you require any more information or a paper version of any  document on our website, please contact the school office.


Chair of Governors: Mrs C O'Leary (Acting)

Letters to the Chair: c/o The Clerk to Governors, Sacred Heart Catholic Academy, Liverpool Road, Crosby L23 5TF.

To contact the Local Governing Board, please email the Clerk to the Governors

Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mrs C Campbell

SENCO: Mrs S McIntosh / Mrs C McDonough 

Telephone: 0151 931 2971


Opening Times:

08:40 to 15:10 Monday to Friday for students

06:30 to 20:00 daily to allow for class preparation, meetings and events to take place


Other Contacts - Heads of Year / Safeguarding / Inclusion

Year 7: Miss Moss - 

Year 8:  Mrs Maitland  - 

Year 9: Mr Willock  - k.willock@shca.pfcmat,org 

Year 10: Miss Webb - 

Year 11: Mrs Tinsley  - 

Year 13:  

For any queries regarding SEND: Mrs McIntosh - 

For any queries regarding safeguarding: Mrs Campbell - 

Pope Francis Catholic Multi Academy Trust

Address: 2nd Floor, North Entrance, Burlington House, Crosby Road North, Liverpool, L22 0PJ

Call: 0151 332 7000



Opening times: 8:15am - 4pm

Incorporated: 27th January 2020 in England
Company Number: 12425650
CEO: Andrew Dawson
CFO: Dan Hennessy

