A very warm welcome to Sacred Heart
Catholic Academy
For detail on where you can obtain support following the sad news in school this week please see the letter from our Headteacher for links and contact detail of agencies who can support and advise.
As the Headteacher of Sacred Heart Catholic Academy, it is my great privilege to be leading a school where the holistic development of our pupils is our core purpose.
Our vision is to develop the ‘Sacred Heart Family’ and ensure that we are firmly placed as the ‘heartbeat’ of our local community.
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Diary Dates
Kind words &Testimonials
Sacred Heart Values Ambition
“School is ambitious for all pupils to succeed, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities, and those who are disadvantaged… The school identifies pupils with SEND accurately and meets their needs well.”
Ofsted, 2024
“Very strong Catholic leadership has totally renewed the school’s mission and sense of purpose. As one staff member stated, ‘the school is unrecognisable from two years ago’.”
Section 48 - Catholic Schools Inspection, 2024
Sacred Heart Values Love
“Students feel valued, safe, and happy. They feel well supported and understand the high standards the staff expect from them. This school is a loving, caring environment where everyone is respected.”
Section 48 - Catholic Schools Inspection, 2024
“Pupils behave well in lessons and as they move around the school... Pupils appreciate how behaviour incidents are dealt with consistently and fairly… Pupils benefit from positive relationships with staff and their peers.” Ofsted, 2024
Ofsted, 2024 -
Sacred Heart Values Service
“A very welcoming school community. Pupils from different backgrounds mix well with each other. Staff care for pupils’ well-being and safety. Pupils know who to speak to if they are worried or upset.”
Ofsted, 2024
“There is a flourishing partnership between the school and its local parishes and feeder primary schools.”
Section 48 - Catholic Schools Inspection, 2024
Sacred Heart Values Respect
“The mission statement, ‘Aspire not to have more but to be more’, is owned and lived within this thriving and improving Catholic school.”
Section 48 - Catholic Schools Inspection, 2024
“School shows a strong commitment to ensuring that pupils build the knowledge that they need to be well prepared for life beyond school… The school has made reading a priority… Teachers know their subjects well.”
Ofsted, 2024
I want to thank you on behalf of myself and my partner for the care and attention your wonderful staff have taken to ensure our son has had a seamless transition from junior to secondary education... We were extremely nervous about our son's move from the safety blanket of junior school, to the more responsibility based Sacred Heart. Our fears were unfounded.
He WAS a nervous little boy at the start of his first term, but I can tell you that with the support of the truly amazing Pastoral Care Team as well as the rest of his teachers, he has blossomed. He's a confident, maturing and independent young man who has benefitted hugely from the stable, happy and secure environment you have provided for him.
current Year 7 Parent - My son really enjoyed his visit and is so very excited at the thought of starting secondary school in September. Thank you so much for taking the time to show us around your wonderful school.
As you can appreciate we are anxious to make this transition go as smoothly as possible for my child. The meeting with you has given us some comfort in knowing we have chosen the right school for him. Thank you again.
PROSPECTIVE PARENT - This week my daughter, Year 5 at Ursuline Primary School, and I have had a wonderful tour of the school. The atmosphere far surpassed my expectations and staff were friendly, complementary and eager to make a fuss of my child.
Prospective parent
Pope Francis Catholic Multi Academy Trust
Pope Francis Catholic Multi Academy Trust was established by the Archbishop of Liverpool to provide the very best Catholic education for the young people in our schools.
Enabling schools, aspiration and faith to flourish by 'Uplifting Hearts, Inspiring Minds'. Visit Site
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